Saturday, October 31, 2009

Persistence Pays!

It was an exciting time on Tuesday night when we finally got a phone call from someone who had had Milly for almost two weeks in her back yard! Almost two weeks before, Rex and Milly had dug a hole under the fence while I was at work, in the second week of the school holidays. Dale went out looking for them as soon as he realised, but there was no sign. Little did we know, later that night, that Rex was just three doors up from us at a neighbour's house. He had followed a boy home from school and now had the temporary name of "Pumpkin"! The next morning before work, I put fliers under people's door mats which lead to his return that same day.

Meanwhile, over the next two weeks, I did the following things to find Milly:

  1. Dropped fliers into every house in our street
  2. Put posters up at 5 different shopping centres
  3. Secured mentions in 4 different school newsletters
  4. Got a story published on Riot ACT
  5. Placed an advert on All Classifieds
  6. Placed adverts in the Canberra Times
  7. Placed adverts in the Chronicle
  8. Stuck posters all over trees, underpasses, school notice boards, bus shelters, sportsfields and fences
  9. Spread the word via Facebook and email
  10. Published a webpage and wrote the address all over local footpaths in chalk
  11. Got Dale and Jenna to put 150 fliers under car windshields at the local sportsfield on Saturday morning
  12. Printed A3 posters, stuck them on the side of a cardboard box which was placed at the main intersection in Theodore.

Number 12 finally caught someone's eye... Milly had been in her backyard for almost 2 weeks and this girl had grown quite attached... in fact we were told later that she cried after Milly left (well she is a special dog!) My point is, that persistence pays off and that you can't give up if you really want something to happen... visualise and don't stop!


  1. That's motivating, I've been reading some blogs today and this is best post of the day. Glad you've found Milly. :)

  2. You also went to the Territories & Municipal Services office! So it was really Item 13 (lucky in this case!) that did the trick.

  3. i forgot that I had her listed on the RSPCA website too... wow, no wonder I got her back - I covered all bases :-)
