Monday, August 9, 2010

Henry's Arrival

Well I had a sneaking suspicion that bubby would be a week or so early and he was. Due on August 5th, Henry decided to make his arrival on the earlier date of July 29th. I actually went into labour on the morning of the 28th, waking up realising that something felt a bit different. I got up at 6am and went to sit by myself in the lounge room, with my laptop, googling phrases such as "what is early labour like?" After a couple of hours, I felt pretty certain that I was in early labour so I rang my midwife and then Mum to warn her that she may be making a Sydney to Canberra trip that day. Finally by about 4.30pm, the time between contractions seemed to be getting closer to 4 minutes so we left for the birthing centre. The thing was, that by about 10pm that had spread back out to about 10 minutes and I was advised to go home overnight as I was only 3cm dilated. After a good 16 hours! I went home with painkillers but was up by 2am again, working through contractions that lasted over 2 minutes. They still hadn't started getting closer together. As it became obvious throughout the day that things weren't progressing, I had both an epidural and eventually the decision to have a caesarian was made, mainly due to Henry's heart rate dropping each time I had a contraction. We were both exhausted and even though I had wanted a natural birth, it felt like a relief to know that soon it would be over and I would have my baby in my arms. A couple of hours later, he was. Safe and healthy, Dale and I adored him the minute we laid eyes on him.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

4 Weeks Left?

I've been busy... making another human being that is... I think that's a good excuse to be slack on the blog front so I am sticking to it.

In about 4 weeks (roughly) I understand that life is about to be turned upside down and that I will have no sleep and all sorts of other things that well meaning people have shared with me :P I am sure that they are right, but it is really to hard to actually comprehend what things will be like so as is my style, I will just take things as they come and adjust.

Here's a pic of our baby at 26 weeks (known as Hammie) and we both think he is pretty handsome! Dale thinks he takes after him and other people have told me that they can see a likeness!

I find myself wondering if he will look like his pictures... or maybe he will have changed a lot in the 12 weeks between photos and his real world debut? Here's another picture at the 12 week ultrasound, way back in January:

Oh, the name has to be a surprise, but as long as we don't change our minds, his name will have the initials HAM, hence the nick name Hammie...