Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hilda Beatrice (Templeton) Crouch; born 29th December 1915

December 29th would have been Nan's 94th birthday, so here is my top 10 list of memories of Hilda Crouch:

  • Nan always made cakes slices for all her visitors on Saturday mornings. The usuals were jam drops (which I sometimes make, according to her recipe) and coconut jam slice.
  • Nan would always wear, what she called a 'housedress' when she was at home... if I remember correctly, the brand was always 'Osti'!
  • Nan would stand by the kitchen window reading the paper in the mornings, leaning on the bench, rather than sitting down.
  • Nan loved to exchange riddles with me, via letters when I was little. 
  • Nan used to draw very funny cats and dogs that seemed to be sausage shaped.
  • Nan would tell me in every letter, how her cat, Muffy 'followed her around like a dog'.
  • Nan liked to win most of her groceries at the club :-)
  • Nan was forever telling us the story of how all she got for Christmas one year was... a pair of black socks.
  • Nan loved crocheting, knitting and making everyone those knitted lacey coathangers.
  • Nan always hugged like she was never going to see you again - so tight!