Monday, November 2, 2009

Wilhelmina Frederika Maria Freke Gressie

Wilhelmina Frederika Maria Freke Gressie
30th April 1912 - 26th October 2009

I think Oma is peeling potatoes in this picture which seems a bit funny, but it is a nice photo anyway. It made me think of how Mum thought it was funny that Oma used to start cooking dinner in the morning (I am sure that was the story anyway). 

 I would only have met Oma a few times. She came out to Australia when I was a baby, and I have been to Holland twice; once when I was 6 and another time when I would have been 13, so I kind of feel like I knew her more from the stories that Dad has told. As I do not speak Dutch, we had never really talked to each other, however I did used to write her occasional letters that Dad would translate for me. She always sent me a birthday card every year as well. I used to look forward to receiving 25 guilders in the mail!  

Oma had not been well now for a while. Mum and Dad saw her again earlier this year on a trip to Holland and now they are back there again for the second time this year, again for a sad reason. Her funeral is today.

Oma and Dad with me when Oma came to Australia